The key persons involved in the project have extensive experience relevant for the project:


Associate Profesor of Academy od Physical Education. Physiotherapy specialist, academic teacher, specialist in human resources management. Deputy director of the Institute of Physiotherapy and Health Sciences. He is a member of key teams in projects related to children’s health and therapy as well as diagnostics and monitoring of physical activity. Implements projects Disc4Spine, PainMonit, GlucoTenor. He heads the team to monitor child development in the first half of life. He is the author of numerous scientific papers in the field of physiotherapy and physioprevention. President and Medical Director of Center of Physiotherapy in Rybnik. Dr Myśliwiec is one of the main investigators in the multicenter projects:

  • PainMonit: Multimodal Platform for Pain Monitoring in Physiotherapy; WPN-3/1/2019),
  • Telebrain (with Ilmenau University of Technology, Illmenau, Germany and Silesian Polytechnic University, Gliwice, Poland; founded by NCBiR and Deut),
  • Glucotrend (with Silesian Polytechnic University, Gliwice, Poland and Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland).


MD, PhD – the Director of the Institute of Physiotherapy and Health Sciences  in The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice. Prof  Malecki has obtained scientific experience in an international  environment as a post-doc in the Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, University of Kentucky, USA (1997-1999) and as a scholar of The Kosciuszko Foundation in 2004-2005 at the Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, University of Kentucky, USA.

Prof. Malecki was working as a neurologist at the Department of > Neurology, Regional Polish Railway’s Hospital, Katowice (1988-2001)  and at the Neurological Rehabilitation Ward in Silesian Voivodship Hospital No 5 in Sosnowiec (2010-2012). His scientific interests and experience is related mostly to neuroscience, neurorehabilitation, clinical electrophysiology,neuropharmacology, neurotoxicology and blood-brain barrier investigation.

Prof. Małecki was a Primary Investigator in the project entitled: “The effect of glutamic acid on cultured rat brain endothelial cells in ischemia in vitro model and possibility of its pharmacological modulation” founded by KBN (Poland) (Project ID: 2 P05A 015 30). Currently he is a Primary Investigator in the Project: “Center for Research and Development of Healthy Aging Strategies” (Ministry of Science and Education, Poland).  He is the main investigator in a project founded by National Science Centre (NCN, Poland): “Strategies to protect against methamphetamine-induced neurotoxicity” (ID: 2019/35/B/NZ7/03155).

Prof. Małecki is a head of the Laboratory of Brain Activity in the Institute of Physiotherapy and Health Sciences at AWF Katowice.


MD, PhD has got a diploma of medical doctor in 1986. Dr. Kmiecik-Małecka is a specialist in neurology and in medical rehabilitation. She has obtained the PhD (2001) degree at the Medical University of Silesia (Katowice, Poland). Currently Dr Kmiecik-Malecka is a Chief of the Medical Rehabilitation Ward as well as of Neurological Rehabilitation Ward in Silesian Voivodship Hospital No 5 in Sosnowiec. She is also employed as an assistant professor at The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice.
Her scientific interests and experience is related mostly to neurology, neurorehabilitation and clinical electrophysiology. Relevant projects or activities, connected to the subject of this proposal Dr. Kmiecik-Małecka was one of the main investigators in the multicenter projects:

  • Study of changes in the state of hearing and the organ of balance in children caused by environmental exposure to lead. KBN No. 4 P05D 03016 (1999-2002).
  • Public health impact of long-term, low-level mixed element exposure in susceptible population strata. contract no FOOD-CT-2006- 016253) 6 th Frame Programme (EU, 2006 -2011).


M.Sc. in Physiotherapy and BA in European Studies, author and co-author of publications in Polish and international peer reviewed journals within the field of sports activity following orthopaedic interventions, adaptive sports and modern forms of rehabilitation. Head of University’s International Office and Erasmus+ Institutional Coordinator. Yacht and motorboat skipper, 1st DAN in Kyokushin Budokai Karate and Karate instructor.




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