The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice AWF (PL KATOWIC05) is a three faculty higher education institution. These faculties include Physical Education, Sport and Tourism Management, Physiotherapy. The Academy offers courses which run in the full time and part-time systems. Nowadays, the Academy educates over 2 700 students at all three faculties. The Academy provides education at all three levels: bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degree. Furthermore, post-graduate studies (108 students) in selected fields of physical education, physiotherapy and sports management are also available.

The Academy of Physical Education in Katowice is one of the largest sport academies in Poland.

Currently, The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice is organized in three faculties: Physical Education – full academic rights, granting degrees and academic titles (PhD), Physiotherapy – actions are being carried out to obtain permission for PhD studies, Sport and Tourism Management.

Integral components of the organizational structure of this university is also the Centre of Excellence Training, PhD Studies and Doctoral School.

The academic staff is composed of renowned scientists and teachers with established authority in different fields what results in a high standard of offered courses.

Internationalization projects organized by Office of Science and International Relations on behalf of AWF Katowice involve students and employees mobilities as part of research, study and internship offers, as well as for didactical and training purposes. Involved groups represent of all fields of studies. This is related to the broad nature of our cooperation, which is based on all the courses offered by AWF Katowice. Internationalization of projects implemented allow a smooth continuation of this process at the Academy, constituting the foundation for high quality development of the entire university, in particular international cooperation.

The Academy has modern didactical facilities and well equipped scientific laboratories situated in five separate buildings. The school offers a wide range of scientific facilities organized within Institute of Sport Sciences and Institute of Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine.

The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice has in its structure Technology Transfer Office (TTO). The main task of TTO is to promote commercialization of research and support participation in projects financed by the European Structural Funds and other national and foreign sources. The TTO carries out information, training and promotional activities in the field of research, intellectual property protection, commercialization and gaining of research funds. Office supports and assists in networking among researchers and business.

In accordance to a national survey published by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, The Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education in Katowice is one of the most successful sport university in Poland, having double “A” as scientific categories on both evaluated faculties. It is ranked 1st among sport universities and 1st among universities educated in the field of study: physical education in Poland in the “Perspektywy” Educational Foundation Ranking. Certified scientific facilities with the most modern and unique equipment and highly qualified research teams allow numerous projects, including research collaboration with the business community, to be carried out, like:

  • RESTORE – the use of modern telemedicine technologies in an innovative optimal cardiac rehabilitation program in patients after myocardial revascularization;
  • STRATEGMEDII/269043/20/NCBR/2017
  • VB-Clinic – Virtual balance clinic; STRATEGMEDIII/306011/1/NCBR/2017
  • Center for Research and Development of Healthy Aging Strategies; Ministry of Science and Higher Education 019/RID/2018/19
  • Gluco-Trend-System: anthropometric system of non-invasive monitoring of blood glucose level trends, by means of wearable class technology; POIR.02.03.02-24-0070/18-00
  • DISC4SPINE (D4S) Dynamic Individual Stimulation and Control For Spine and Posture INTeractive rEhabilitation; POIR.04.01.02-00-0082/17
  • PainMonit: Multimodal Platform for Pain Monitoring in Physiotherapy; WPN-3/1/2019
  • TeleBrain: artificial Intelligent EEG Analysis in the Cloud; WPN/9/TeleBrain/2018
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