The team of key people involved in the project is: |
Professor of medical data science at the UzL Institute of Medical Informatics. His scientific work is dedicated to conceptualisation, development and evaluation of machine learning algorithms automatically extracting health-related knowledge from big data. More specifically, digital data voluntarily generated by humans on a daily basis is processed, analysed, classified and medically interpreted with the support of semi-automatic machine learning and pattern recognition algorithms. Sensor-based assessment of humans’ physical, cognitive, and emotional status are the main trends of his current research. Prof. Grzegorzek has participated in/coordinated many externally funded EU projects:
• CogAge: Cognitive Village – Adaptively Learning Technical Assistance for Elderly. Marcin Grzegorzek as Consortium Coordinator and Leader of the WP “Adaptive Data Interpretation”. German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) 09/2015 – 11/2018.
• My-AHA: My Active and Healthy Ageing. Marcin Grzegorzek as PI and Leader of the WP “Data Fusion and Analytics”. European Commission, Horizon 2020. 01/2016 – 12/2019.
• SenseVojta: Sensor-based Diagnosis, Therapy and Aftercare According to the Vojta Principle. Marcin Grzegorzek as PI and Leader of the WP “Sensor-based Recognition of Reflex Patterns”. German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). 12/2016 – 11/2019.
He published over 50 papers in the field of human-centred pattern recognition.
Professor of physiotherapy at the UzL Medical Department. She is director of the degree programme in physiotherapy at the UzL – the first university degree programme in physiotherapy established in Germany. Her research focus is on pain analysis in the context of physiotherapy. On the one hand, she investigates how physiotherapy can help patients with acute and/or chronic pain. On the other hand, she analyses the influence of pain on the patients’ health status improvements achieved due to physiotherapy treatments. Kerstin Lüdtke has acted as principal investigator in a number of externally funded research projects. She published over 50 peer-reviewed papers in her research area.